Curiosity Killed The Hit: PSY's Record Breaking "Smash" Hit

I know you probably can't believe this either, but yes: The Guinness Book Of World Records still exists.

Unsurprising, PSY's follow-up to "Gangnam Style" just scored a Guinness World Record for having the most views of any music video in a 24 hour period.

That YouTube success has also rocketed "Gentleman" to the Billboard Hot 100's Top 5. As in the case of "Harlem Shake," this is due amost exclusively to YouTube since the song isn't in either the Top 40 for Pop radio airplay, or iTunes Top 100 singles chart.

Based on that logic, nearly every one hit wonder from here on out will likely score a follow-up 
hit," so long as it's positioned correctly to get those curiousity clicks.

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