Kathy Zimmer

Kathy Zimmer "Time" (Benjamin Wolf, Holly Moore, dir.)

Time is a past lives teller

Time can your plans erase

Time’s a dirty word with four letters

Time can both heal and disgrace


Time is a gift and a blessing

Time can dismantle and curse

Time is the chance for a new beginning

Time could make it all worse


Time isn’t rich

Time isn’t poor

You can’t buy it back, you can’t give it away,

You’ve only got what you’ve got; there will be no more


Time as a child was forever

Now that I’m old, it’s running out

Kathy Zimmer "White Noise" (Ben Wolf, dir.)


White noise is erasing my brain

the frequency of a sedative,

it lulls away any pain


And dulls the rhythm of the city

it soothes away human sound

everything is tan, bland and pretty


There’s a strip mall being built around my heart

I’m toning down my edges,

making palatable my art


I’ve tamed my frizzy hair

it’s unbecoming in your eyes

I’m trying hard to reach you, so I put on this disguise


Is it working?

Can you hear me?


So many ways to communicate

Kathy Zimmer "Eva" (Sean Dlugos, dir.)

I wanted to prove my love

he was so hard to convince

it was so hard to get his attention

but every so often, we’d kiss

and every so often I’d get so proud

that such a powerful man called me his

that’s why I took that bite of cyanide

he was so difficult to convince


the parties were grand and fantastic

I’d only known boys before

my man, the world didn’t understand

and so I guess the whole world declared war

I kept thinking that, soon, things would change

soon, we’d be married, front page