NEW RELEASE: Justin Timberlake "LoveStoned..."

JTJT How many hours of your life have you spent idly staring at Windows Media Player's audio visualizers? If you're like me, you spend lots of time at work toggling between the various Plenoptic settings. As it turns out, Justin Timberlake is a big Bars and Waves fan. [editor's note: Video Static is a Mac snob and feels obligated to state that he wastes his time flipping about in the iTunes Cover Flow interface and writing in the third person] For "LoveStoned/I Think She Knows Interlude," director Robert Hales drops JT inside a space-filled scene of animated visualizations and EQs that shimmer and spark around his GQ styling. As the song segues into its interlude, Hales flies us through 2001: A Space Odyssey and into a white version of Tron. There we find Justin surrounded by a futuristic electrical environment, which is when I start to wonder if he's going to turn into a polar bear. (review by Kevin Holy) --> watch "LoveStoned/I Think She Knows Interlude"

Justin Timberlake
"LoveStoned/I Think She Knows Interlude" (Jive/ZLG)

Robert Hales, director | Oualid Mouaness & Richard Weager, producer | HSI, production co | Jake Polonsky , DP | Ken Mowe, editor
