April 2010

WATCH IT: Kelis "Acapella" (Rankin + Chris Cottam + Nicole Ehrlich, dirs.)

Kelis clearly goes for a more of a post-Gaga dance/pop vibe in this trippy fashion show of a video for "Acapella". Despite showing lots of glamour and beauty, most of her striking looks here are otherworldly and somewhat confrontational, ranging from a Native American huntress in a forest to a gold-skinned sexy satyr with a couple wolves in a Bedouin tent. --> watch "Acapella"


WATCH IT: Kiely Williams "Spectacular" (Ed Durante, dir.)

Cheetah Girl Gone Wild. Former Disney pop performer Kiely Williams is anything but glamorous or kid-friendly (unless you count engaging in an activity to make kids) in this gritty music video. Shot on-location in Newark, NJ, "Spectacular" is basically a drunken night of nameless, shameless sex. Is "Spectacular" the "My Neck, My Back" of 2010, or is it  "I Am Woman".

WATCH IT: A Fine Frenzy "Electric Twist" (Justin Purser, dir.)

Director Justin Purser casts A Fine Frenzy  in a triple-paned clip that celebrates the random fun that has always been a part of music video since the days of Scopitones. --> watch "Electric Twist"


WATCH IT: Eddy Current Suppression Ring "Rush To Relax"

Imagine finding an old documentary film about a group of criminally insane on a field trip to the seashore, rocking out in their robes and plastic disguise masks. That's essentially this new video for Eddy Current Suppression Ring, an Australian post/punk band that should be bigger than AC/DC. Or, at least bigger than Silverchair. --> watch "Rush To Relax"


WATCH IT: Cage The Elephant "In One Ear" (Isaac Rentz. dir.)

Director Isaac Rentz takes Cage The Elephant on a descent into rock n' roll madness in this perfectly roughshod performance clip that splits its time between junkyards, house parties and nightmares. --> watch "In One Ear"

