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June 2013

Pete Van Leeuwen "Elk Grass" (Awesome And Modest, dir.)

Elk Grass

Calling this the most beautiful video with an animated elk is a disservice, since let's face it: That's a pretty small niche. It's just a flat-out beautiful and one of the more evocative and refined clips yet from animator Sean Donnelly and his appropriately-named Awesome And Modest crew (especially Abbey Luck, who was the director for this gem).

Eliza Doolittle "Big When I Was Little" (James Copeman, dir.)

Eliza Doolittle - Big When I Was Little

Coolin' on the stoop of your brownstone, dumb dancin' with your friends, and crashin' the community pool after-hours. UK style. That's how British songstress Eliza Doolittle does it in this clip, released just in time for the start of summer.
