April 2014

Reimagining Classical Music with Contemporary Music Videos

Can South Korean dance troure Waveya and a booty music video get the kids to listen to classical music?

Say hello to Classical Comeback, a project that promises to resurrect the canon by matching masterworks with contemporary videos. It might sound ludicrous, but it kind of worked back in 1979 thanks to Bo Derek.

It's open source, so act fast before someone else grabs Bolero.

High Fashion and Other Controversies in Sky Ferreira "I Blame Myself" (Grant Singer, dir.)

Controversy seems to have a way of finding Sky Ferreira.

While I thought the uproar about "I Blame Myself" would come from her indie base questioning the shoppable aspects of the video — nearly every garment and accessory in the video is available for purchase via online retailer Ssense, and saying the stuff is expensive would be an understatement — it instead comes from people claiming the urban hood setting and gang member dance troupe are racist.

There's a lengthy response from Ferreira on her Facebook, plus lots and lots of comments ranging from lengthy well-reasoned interpretations to "fuck u youre dumb" stuff, which is the kind of discourse one expects online.
