IN DEPTH: Cadence Weapon "Sharks"

Cweapon_sharks3 Having spent the bulk of my free time recently playing with my Wii (hey now!) I am starting to see video game potential everywhere. An afternoon drive is not nearly as fun as a game of Out Run. Why walk down a city street when you could create all sorts of mayhem in Grand Theft Auto? In fact, most sporting events and action flicks would be better played than watched. If I can use this severely fun video as evidence, then the affliction is wider spread than I thought. Canadian rapper Cadence Weapon finds himself in the midst of several video game fantasies, including emulations of such classics as Rampage, Frogger, Donkey Kong and many others.

Video co-directors Chris Grismer and Duane Crichton join the VFX team of J. Lee and Matt Bilewicz for a Video Static exclusive commentary on the inspirations and technical expertise that made this video possible. be sure to watch to the end for a little "rewind" segment and a parting quote that just might reveal a glimpse into the dark, scary place that is Chris Grismer's imagination.


Cadence Weapon "Sharks" (Epitaph)
Cosmonaut (aka Chris Grismer and Duance Crichton), directors | Marc Millard, producer | Spy Entertainment, production co | John Choi, DP | J. Lee and Ross Birchall, editors | J. Lee and Matt Bilewicz of 1188 Films, vfx | Greg Langham, art director 
