NEW RELEASE: Foo Fighters "Long Road To Ruin"

FoosFoos Gotta love when Dave Grohl gets into character, be it the swishy flight steward in "Learn To Fly," the Sid Vicious punk rocker in "Everlong," or the "Footos" commercial participant in "Big Me ." The video for "Long Road To Ruin" marks the return to that sort of comedic mimicry as Dave and his fellow Foo Fighters collaborate again with Jesse Peretz, who directed "Learn To Fly" and "Big Me," in addition to a few other Foo videos. The gag this time is a fake soap opera a la General Hospital with Dave as a Rick Springfield type trying to balance rock stardom, his soap career and a love affair with co-star Rashida Jones of The Office. Lots of little gags abound — I especially like drummer Tyler Hawkins' soap name of Les Groper — but the star attractions here are Dave Grohl's mustache and feathery hair which leave the rocker looking like the bastard child of magician Doug Henning. --> watch "Road To Ruin"

Foo Fighters
"Long Road To Ruin" (RCA)

Jesse Peretz, director | Hagai Shaham, producer | Black Dog, production co | Tom Richmond, DP | Fred Fouquet, editor
