NEW RELEASE: Jape "Floating"

JapeJape OK, maybe meat is murder and I should reconsider my carnivorous ways. But — and yes, this may be stoner philosophy, but it's all I've got  —  aren't plants also living creatures? Wouldn't that make every vegetable you pick another decapitation, another death, another example of life feeding on life?  As Brother Maynard says about the carrots in the Tool psalm "Disgustipated" — "Tomorrow is harvest day and to them it is the holocaust... Let the rabbits wear glasses!" All that is prelude to this video for the Jape song "Floating" in which a man is under attack by vegetables and fruits that get hurled in his direction as he tries to paint a fence. At first you may think it's just a rambunctious neighbor pelting the man, but an odd turn near the end makes it clear that our produce is pissed and we should be ready to quell an impending insurrection. --> watch "Floating"

Jape "Floating" (V2)
D.A.D.D.Y. and M&E, directors/editors | Mary McCarthy, producer | Red Jam, production co | Ruairi O'Brien, DP
