NEW RELEASE: Jesca Hoop "Money"

money Jesca Hoop is possibly the coolest nanny since Mary Poppins. Why? Well, she's certainly purty and has the kind of quirky sensibility that'll play well in alternative circles, but the stamp of approval comes from former employer, Tom Waits, who describes her music as being "like swimming in a lake at night."  Hopefully that factoid won't be an albatross, since there's a homespun delightfulness about her — especially if your introduction is this cut-and-paste playful tweak to those who worship the almighty dollar. --> watch "Money" AND be sure to check out the director Richard Borge's Drawger blog where he shares lots of behind-the-scenes tidbits and pictures


Jesca Hoop "Money" (3/Columbia)
Richard Borge, director | Daniel Ridgers, producer | Duck Studios, production co | RW Media, rep | David Morrison, DP | Melissa Timme, editor
