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NEW RELEASE: Metric "Empty"

Metric_empty The last time we saw director Jaron Albertin and Metric singer Emily Haines together was inside a Zellers department store, toppling over people like dominoes with the power of their depression. "Dr. Blind" was an excellent video with an ominous tone that has been a hallmark of the director's work up to that point. With "Empty," Albertin presents a new, perhaps welcome tone to his work: A sense of comfort. The clip starts with a house that's been tossed around as if by a tornado. The splattered contents then unravel themselves in five separate sequences that are both marvelous and mysterious. Yet somehow amidst the chaos is a feeling of warmth and a sense of emotional closure. The house may be chaotic, and Haines may be "an island," but it doesn't seem the world has ended just quite yet. (review by Kevin Holy) --> watch "Empty" via YouTube

Metric "Empty" (Last Gang)
Jaron Albertin, director/edito | Dan Beckerman, producer | Spy Entertainment, production co | Tico Paulakakis, DP | Alpha Channel, visual fx
