WATCH IT: Pop Levi "Terrifying (For Kenneth Anger)"

Pop Levi Director Dylan Mulick and rocker Pop Levi invite you into the terrifying world of Kenneth Anger — a very appropriate match for a song entitled "Terrifying (For Kenneth Anger)." The video captures the psychedelic vibe of Anger's filmography — the most notable being Lucifer Rising, which starred Marianne Faithful and had some sort of involvement with Jimmy Page — and as such serves as pretty good springboard into his mad, mad world (we're talking Satanism, writing the tell-all classic Hollywood Babylon, the above-referenced fight with Jimmy Page and other things I gleaned from the the Kenneth Anger Wikipedia page). --> watch "Terrifying (For Kenneth Anger)" [[{"type":"media","view_mode":"media_large","fid":"176","attributes":{"class":"media-image","typeof":"foaf:Image","height":"344","width":"425","style":""}}]]

Pop Levi "Terrifying (For Kenneth Anger)" (Ninja Tune)
Dylan Mulick, director | Ashlee Cannon, producer | Bucks Boys, production co | Corey B. Clay, DP 
