Tell Me

Cella "Tell Me" (Kevork Aslanyan, dir.)

No matter its constituent parts the path of a romantic relationship can rarely be plotted as a straight line, yet once we succumb to that intoxicating feeling of falling head over heels, there’s little to do except strap in and ride the relationship peaks and valleys wherever they may lead. A true cross-border collaboration, Director Kevork Aslanyan joins forces with Producer Luzius Fischer for Cella music video Tell Me.

Mrs. Maki "Tell Me" (Matthew Riggieri, dir.)

Here is our new video, “Tell Me.” Mia wrote the song. Peter helped. The man with ears all his own Jordan Romero—inspired by Joe Meek, Jack Nitzsche, Shadow Morton, and others—tape recorded the song and joined Mrs Maki to produce it and to clap. We had a blast with the video. Making it would have been impossible without the interest, talent, and support of Mike O'Leary and Matt Riggieri. They were (1) in love with the song, (2) committed, no questions asked, and (3) patient.  Now, let's roll the credits: Produced by Digital Cave Media Director: Matt Riggieri