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DVD ALERT: Genesis, Elvis Costello

Two recent music video collections worthy of your time (and money):

Genesis - The Video Show

Although this video collection from Genesis lacks any special features, it more than makes it up to it by including all 32 of the bands promotional videos and clocking in at around three hours. There were no promo clips produced for the early version of Genesis that was fronted by Peter Gabriel, although a 1999  "The Carpet Crawlers" with both Gabriel and drummer/singer Phil Collins is included. Also on the disc are the few videos that Genesis made for Calling All Stations, a 1997 album made after Collins left the group and was replaced by singer Ray Wilson. All clips are presented in stereo and Dolby/DTS 5.1 mixes.

The Right Spectacle: The Very Best Of Elvis Costello - The Videos
Every Elvis Costello video, presented in chronological order. Costello provides commentary for each clip as an audio track and as subtitles --  which is a great feature for those who want to hear the songs without distraction, but still get the stories. The videos are augmented by a 68 minute collection of live Costello performances on various TV shows, clubs and festivals.

Tags: DVD