READ MORE: Lady Gaga As Pitchwoman (by Dan Neil)

L.A. Times columnist Dan Neil writes,

"My vote for Advertisement of the Year 2009 is Lady Gaga's video "Bad Romance," a five-minute self-exploitation film that sells booze, high-end audio gear and stiletto heels as hard as it rocks."

Read Lady Gaga is using her pipes for pitches, as good a treatise on the collision between art and commerce that you'll find anywhere.



Doug's picture
What?!? Product placement?!? Never heard of such a thing.
custom term papers's picture
that video is really something those intricate costume really makes you double take she is really something and her videos improve from poker face to paparazzi and now bad romance she is really someone to watch out
College Paper's picture
You have done a marvelous job by exploring this subject with such an honesty and depth. Thanks for sharing it with us!