WATCH IT: Scott Ryan "Vanishing

I haven't seen this much pussy in a video since the Ludacris NSFW classic "P' Poppin." [ed: Sorry. I have no self control] Director Justin Dial describes this video for Scott Ryan as, "the cathartic journey of a mysterious loner to a cat sanctuary called The Cat House on the Kings." I just can't decide if this no-kill shelter to hundreds of cats is heaven or hell for our beautiful loser. Seems like purgatory to me, but then again: I'm more a dog guy. --> watch "Vanishing"


Scott Ryan "Vanishing"
Justin Dial, director 



Deb's picture
loved this video. It is beautifully done. I really hope it goes viral - Justin Dial and Scott Ryan both deserve accolades for their artistry. And kudos for such a moving portrait of Cat House on the Kings, and getting their story out there! If an image could be created of the Rainbow Bridge, this would be it... heaven on earth for the innocents.
Tags: New Releases