WATCH IT: Wavves "Post Acid" (Patrick O'Dell, dir.)

An alien gets a warm welcome to the psychedelic Silverlake lifesytle in this fittingly trippy clip for Wavves "Post Acid," courtesy of Mountain Dew's Green Label Sound series. The ET enjoys some skateboarding and a debaucherous rock show, showing that the slacker lifestyle resonates across the universe. Not sure if the weirdest thing about this is the John Norris intro, or that the folks at Mountain Dew greenlit something this off the wall .--> watch "Post Acid"

Patrick O'Dell, director: "The video is loosely based on the plot of Enico Man but with an alien instead of a cave man. That was [Wavves frontman] Nathan’s idea. I love it when a band comes up with something totally bizarre and ambitious rather than shrugging and saying, ‘I don’t know, what do you wanna do?’ while they mope around looking cool. By extension I feel like we’ve almost made one of those fan videos where an anonymous person out there cuts up a movie they like and fits it together with a song they like and uploads it to YouTube. This is one of the those videos but the band happens to star in the movie."

Wavves "Post Acid" (Green Label Sound)
Patrick O'Dell, director | Ted Newsome, DP | Abby Portner, art director | Description: xxx

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