CANADA: Beyond Mountains, More Mountains - Short Film

You learned about the directing team CANADA here in the music video room — in fact, I'd wager most of you were literally here on Videostatic when you first saw their breakthrough "El Guincho" — so it's only right we come along for the ride as they tackle a short feature. All the elements of their sexy surrealism remain in place for this 10 minute jaunt that starts with a quest for a missing boot through the boot of Italy, of course, but then fragments into a multi-layered look at a blossoming romance that's postcard perfect. --> watch "Beyond Mountains, More Mountains" (note: contains nudity)

Beyond Mountains, More Mountains
presented by 55DSL, Vice, Partizan Darkroom, CANADA

CANADA, director/writer/editor  | Partizan, production co | Marc Gomez Del Moral, DP | Danielle Bennison-Brown, Marcus Ray, exec. producers 

Tags: Partizan