
Aquilo "Calling Me" (Davis Silis, dir.)

From the director:

The narrative impulse behind ‘Calling Me’ was immediate. A story familiar to us all. There’s a vulnerability we all face growing up. Grappling with who you are. Who you want to become. You’re driven by instinct as much as reacting to what’s going on around you. What others think of you. And that’s the battle we’ve all had to fight.

Aquilo "I Gave It All" (Eoin Glaister, dir.)

Eoin poetically presents the struggles of young love for Aquilo's debut song. This is a two-part video for the band.

From Eoin: My interpretation of the song tells a coming-of-age story about the loss of innocence. How things could have been different if the lead protagonist had pursued a relationship with her best friend instead of his older, cooler brother, and her coming to terms with this.

Cast: Madeline Duggan, Tom Cawte, Lewis Vernon

Casting Dir: Anna Kennedy Casting (Thanks to Anna and Rachel)