Ben Berman

Bonnie Prince Billy "Quail And Dumplings" (Ben Berman, dir.)

Put on your sublock — or maybe a shirt, please — and join Bonnie "Prince" Billy for some weird times at the Quail & Dumplings waterpark with musical duo Kennan Gudjonsson and Nina Nastasia.

PS: If you're not already a fan of BPB aka Palace aka Will Oldham, this will probably just seem very weird and creepy, which is understandable and perhaps even the intended effect.

Mike Quinn "Hope It Goes Away (The Best Video on the Internet)" (Ben Berman, dir.)

If you've ever tooled around in Google Maps Street View, imagining being in all those fabulous places, then you may indeed find this to be the Best Music Video on the Internet. But, it's far more likely if you like the idea of being in all sorts of less than fabulous places. Or if you like the PoMo twist this takes about halfway through, dreaming of a viral reaction that spreads to all the major blogs — except, which must be an oversight — and then gets increasingly silly until the takedown notice comes through.

Is it the Best Video on the Internet? Well, it's at least the Most Internet Video on the Internet right now, which will probably be an awards category soon.