
Naive New Beaters "Words Hurt" (Romain Chassaing, dir.)

A genius Choose Your Own Adventure interactive music video —best experienced at — where you can experience 47 different stories where you can pursue fame and fortune, or misforture and infamy. 

PS: If you pick the right path to uncover all 27 chapters you'll get a special surprise, and a chance to play an Easter Egg video (just in time for Easter, no less).

Asgeir "Unbound" (Julien Lassort, dir.)

An intriguing video that captures all the present/future menace of a Black Mirror episode.

Julien Lassort, director: "Asgeir’s track "Unbund" reminded me the paradoxical idea of ​​a strong bond between people, something where everyone’s life would be closely linked to others, without knowing any of it. Like a mysterious global system mixing and connecting things and lifes...

My idea was to involve every character in an other character’s fantasy moment, pretty much forced to be someone’s character to be able to live a fantasy time yourself. I could summarise it by talking about a kind of a Russian Dolls system. Every doll is inside a bigger one, and every doll as got some others inside of itselves, they are all a part of a more global system."