
Superfood "TV" (Zac Ella, dir.)

Zac Ella, director:

Daydreaming can cause the mind to wander into a series of unexplainable wormholes..just like channel surfing on TV.

One moment you are in one place... the next moment you are in another place... and the next you just have no recollection in where you are or how you got there...and now I'm about to start waffling.

This is a music video for SUPERFOOD's track entitled TV. Viva 4:3!

Superfood "Melting" (Zac Ella, dir.)

Zac Ella, director:

"It's a fun experimental idea that simply compares four different video recording devices and formats.

More specifically 16mm film, Video8, MiniDV and DSLR (CF CARD).

We aimed to do a one shot - filming and playing everything back in real time with SUPERFOOD playing live.

But - we hit a problem with the Bell and Howell (16mm Camera) - it could only record for around 40secs.

We mapped out a floorplan for our team of Camera-Ops to follow and keep in-sync with movements.