Theo Clark

Public Service Broadcasting "The Other Side" (Rafe Gibbons, dir.)

On December 21, 1968, Apollo 8 launched on a mission to send the first manned spacecraft into space.

British band Public Service broadcasting made their track “The Other Side,” using recordings from the Apollo 8 transmissions.

The music video for “The Other Side” features footage of the group playing the song to a live audience, all filmed in black and white.

Amazonica "High on You" (Raph Emile, dir.)

Debut video 'High On You' from DJ Amazonica and it's something special. Shot in classic monochrome, the black and white footage is both sensual and threatening. Heavily stylised, Amazonica features both harnessed to a chair and dancing in an outrageous outfit. Various characters are also used, with the ongoing theme – 'High On You'... epitomised in the smoke billowing from their mouths.