Trout Records

Spies "Moosehead" (Bob Gallagher, dir.)

This video makes me think there's probably a way to video riff on the classic Post headline, "Headless Body in Topless Bar" — but this would just fine in the meantime. A headless man — or, an empty suit, depending on your outlook — performs small feats of magic as he reels in his ideal mate...

All performed in live action by Michael Burns and Kate Finegan...

Tandem Felix "Ryan Hoguet" (Bob Gallagher, dir.)

To celebrate the releas ef their double A Side 7" "Ryan Hoguet/How Strange the Weather" Irish band Tandem Felix release this Vin Diesel inspired video.

"Ryan Hoguet' is a remake of the infamous "Vin Diesel sings 'Stay' by Rihanna" youtube clip, where a sultry VD sings against the projected backdrop of Rihanna's bathtub splash. The reconstruction  required the band to do a shot-for-shot remake of the Rihanna video, starring Mongolian model Zoloo Ruby as Rihanna, Stephen Kerr as Mikky Ekko, and David Tapley in the role of Vin Diesel.