
WATCH IT: Britney Spears "I Wanna Go" (Chris Marrs Piliero, dir.)

Starting with a press conference that's only slightly less absurd that Anthony "Are you more than seven inches!?" Weiner's resignation speech, this comical video has Britney Spears turning the tables on all the gawkers, paparazzi and other rubberneckers. Britney also gladly takes some potshots here — ie: there will be no "Cross Harder" sequel to her 2002 flick Crossroads — while gladly going along on a ride gets more bizarro (and fun)  as it progresses.   --> watch "I Wanna Go"

WATCH IT: Travis Porter "Bring It Back" (Todd Angkasuwan, dir.)

Travis Porter play with a kind of iPad app that would never pass Apple's strict "no smut" rules. They use their fingers to undress, move around and generally manipulate a series of women and scenes. Don't be afraid though: Based on the lyrics, the video's set-ups are more chaste and the overall idea more clever than you might expect. --> watch "Bring It Back"