Celatone "Ooo Ay" (Harry Pearson, dir.)

Ooo Ay - Celatone

In a subterranean urban world, 4 humans escape menial lives through friendship and music...

Nell tends plastic plants and dead fish, Harry rides the corridors delivering empty boxes by bicycle, Tim paints the walls with tins of water and Adam maintains the dilapidating server room of an unknown computer network – in which hides an electrical monster.

Straying from routine, exchanges of friendship allow them to break free; meeting on the roof of their building, they make music overlooking the mega-city.  Making the Video: Made on virtually no budget, 'Ooo Ay' was filmed over the course of a weekend in the abandoned London factory in which director, Harry Pearson, was living.

"A thrillingly collaborative project! The band and I created the sets, costumes, props; the homemade touches reflect the earnest tone of Celatone's track, which is about lonliness and connection - perhaps you can tell we've all been best friends since school!"

Production Company
Director of Photography
Sebastian Hawkins, Camera Production Asst.
Alex Murray, Visual Effects
Michelle Cort, Colorist