July 2011

WATCH IT: The Smashing Pumpkins "Owata" (Robby Starbuck, dir.)

Women's wrestling as a metaphor for sexual politics? Or, just women's wrestling as the basis for a soap opera? The Smashing Pumpkins provide the soundtrack and a quick Billy Corgan cameo to this short flick that dips into the lives of three real life wrestlers — Raven, Shelly Martinez and Cheerleader Melissa — as they go through a plotline that's not that far removed from what you'd see on The Hills.

WATCH IT: Wolfgang f/ Will.i.Am "Forver" (NABIL, dir.)

Lest you think NABIL would direct a typical dance video, "Forever" takes a quick turn to the absurd when a dancing couple hooks up in a stairwell and we learn that Will.I.Am is always and forever, his full-grown visage fully formed from sperm to in-utero to toddlerhood and on up through the stages of life. And yes, those sperm and in utero sequences could double as a quite effective abstinence ad. --> watch "Forever"
