WATCH IT: The Smashing Pumpkins "Owata" (Robby Starbuck, dir.)

Women's wrestling as a metaphor for sexual politics? Or, just women's wrestling as the basis for a soap opera? The Smashing Pumpkins provide the soundtrack and a quick Billy Corgan cameo to this short flick that dips into the lives of three real life wrestlers — Raven, Shelly Martinez and Cheerleader Melissa — as they go through a plotline that's not that far removed from what you'd see on The Hills. And lest you're prone to belittle the wrestling picture, remember the words of Jack Lipnicki: "These are big movies, Fink, about big men... IN TIGHTS! Both physically, and mentally... especially physically." --> watch "Owata"

The Smashing Pumpkins "Owata"
Robby Starbuck, director/producer/editor | RSM, production co | Greg Ephraim, DP | Billy Corgan, Kerry Brown, Robby Starbuck, exec. producer 
