NEW RELEASE: Animal Collective "Peacebone"

Preparing for peaceboning Photographer/director Timothy Saccenti follows up his acclaimed Battles video "Atlas"with another ultra-modern gem. Instead of the straight-up performance that was "Atlas," this video is straight-up narrative. And a strange narrative at that. Set inside a drug and/or technology induced hyperreality, a girl and an alien meet in a barn and go cavorting through the countryside like two young lovers. The climax will have you flashing back to Alien, clutching your chair and looking for a place that sells "Peacebone" Halloween costumes. (review by Kevin Holy) --> watch "Peacebone"

Animal Collective "Peacebone" (Domino)
Timothy Saccenti, director | Zooma Zooma, production co | Jeff Shepherd, DP | Ryan McKenna, editor | Dopepope, creature design | Mark Szumski and Tom Hurlburt @ Click3, effects
