NEW RELEASE: Cassettes Won't Listen "Paper Float"

BeforeAfter Our hero in this  Cassettes Won't Listen video needs a break from his humdrum workaday routine. The morning ritual is boring. The workplace filled with annoying coworkers and their asinine, self-congratulatory brainstorming sessions. The cute receptionist who barely acknowledges your existence. Options are limited. He could quit, develop a drug habit to make the daily grind a bit more passable, or just go batshit Postal. He does find salvation, but it's in the form of a magical cassette and boombox that transforms him into a Bizarro paper android that's brave enough to flip his office the bird and escape for a day of mayhem around the city. And, as a bonus, the same transformation affects the receptionist who tags along for the whole ride.  --> watch "Paper Float"

Cassettes Won't Listen "Paper Float"
Rob Graydon, director/DP/editor | Matt Piacentini, producer | Vitamin M, production co



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