NEW RELEASE: Kerli "Walking On Air"

KerliMini Kerli If you were expecting a bit of sugary pop from this very blonde and very cute Estonian singer Kerli, you might be in for a surprise with this big and beautiful video. The Aggressive directing/effects team grab hold of the Bjork and Rihanna undercurrents in the song and deliver a gothic dollhouse wonderland that pulses with what seem to be sly references to both of those extraordinarily different singers. There's Kerli with the little jewels under each eye, just like the cover image of Bjork's Debut, while a middle segment of the video has the singer trading in her pure and purposefully absurd white tutu for a Rihannian bondage version, complete with an Umbrella for a prop. The clip proceeds from there with a succession of odd and striking set-ups, including the appearance of both a creepy  Chucky version of Kerli and a larger than life long-faced porcelain spirit that seems to have been controlling the strings throughout this disconcerting dream of a video. --> watch "Walking On Air" plus a step-by-step breakdown of the video's stunning effects

Kerli "Walking On Air" (Island/IDJMG)
Aggressive, directors | JP Fox, producer | Refused TV, production co | Lanette Phillips Manageent , rep | Damian Acevedo, DP | Jason Yantz, editor
