NEW RELEASE: Nickel Creek "When In Rome"

NickelcreekNickel Creek "When In Rome"  Sugar Hill
Dean Karr, director
Arthur Gorson, producer
The Mine, production co
Clark Eddy, editor
Description: Nickel Creek may be considered a country/bluegrass trio, but their potential appeal is much broader than those narrow confines. They have an uncanny ear for pop hooks that don't pander and their overall vibe has more in common with Guster than The Dixie Chicks. This video is about as adventurous as you'll see from a "country" act. Director Dean Karr captures gorgeous b&w footage of the band on a puddle strewn pavement under an overpass. Similarly amazing portraiture footage that illustrates the song's subjects is interspersed with the performance. Some of these portraits may cause discomfort, including one of an old man with a dove perched on his shoulder and another of a young, wounded war veteran.



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