NEWS: Directors Bureau/Res 60 Sec Film Contest

Can you define love in sixty seconds?

LoveProduction company The Directors Bureau (TDB) and creative lifestyle magazine Res are co-hosting a very short film contest. The TDB Directors Challenge is accepting submissions of short films that are no longer than 60 seconds and be centered on the theme of love. The top five entries will be posted on TDB website and the ultimate winning filmmaker — as chosen by the TDB staff —  will receive $2,000.

Submissions are due by midnight, February 28. Complete details and rules have been "declassified" at the TDB_60 site.

Director Bureau's roster boasts Roman Coppola, Sofia Coppola, AV Club and Shynola. Staffers include Executive Producer Cayce Cole, Music Video Rep Lana Kim and Production Manager Eric Normington.
