WATCH IT: Mr. Hudson "There Will Be Tears"

Mr Hudson After corralling static, color bars, jaggy artifacts and pixellations in Kanye West's "Welcome To Heartbreak," director Nabil further explores the digital in search of even more beauty within video's imperfections. Rather than another exploration of "data-moshing," Nabil uses multiples and chopping effects to deliver an almost cubistic study of blue-eyed soul vocoding Kanye associate, Mr. Hudson. --> watch "There Will Be Tears" (Quicktime) [[{"type":"media","view_mode":"media_large","fid":"174","attributes":{"class":"media-image","typeof":"foaf:Image","height":"344","width":"425","style":""}}]]

Mr. Hudson "There Will Be Tears" (G.O.O.D./Mercury)
Nabil, director | Partizan, production co | Weirdcore, vfx 
