Miley Cyrus "Wrecking Ball" Smashes VEVO Single Day View Records

and The Top 5 Single Day VEVO View Chart

Miley Cyrus won't stop, not when she's on a roll that's taken her from the "former Hannah Montana" to undoubtedly the biggest pop star in the world in just a few months.

New video "Wrecking Ball" shattered the VEVO single day viewing record, previously set at 12.3 million views by OneDirection's "Best Song Ever" — a number which Miley and her big ball smashed in approximately 12 hours.

It's currently at 16 million views, in less than 24 hours.

The top 5 Single Day View Chart now stands at:

My takeaway?

1) The overall online and VEVO audience grows every day, so these records will contunue to get broken again and again. It's like the Internet eqivalent of how box office grosses are skewed toward recent releases, since ticket prices keep rising.

2) Pop music moves the needle. Let's look at two of yesterday's premieres: Miley got 16 million views. Arcade Fire got 500k.

3) We are moving perilously close to full-on, full-frontal nudity by pop stars in pop videos. 

Production Company
Director of Photography
Editing Company
Executive Producer
Kiki Geit, Production Designer