Adam Powell

The 1975 "Sex" (Adam Powell, dir.)

The first version of this video had the younger Manchester quartet performing in black-and-white in a poster-and-picture-clad room. This version.... is different. How? It's in color. And it tells a narrative of two young lovers in a cinema-verite style, which doesn't appear to end well. The old cliche "sex, drugs, and rock 'n roll" is certainly apropos here.

Sivu "Better Man Than He" (Adam Powell, Dir.)

Sivu - Better Man Than He (Official Video)

We've seen videos shot with lasers, but never one with an MRI, revealing brains and all the other innards of singer's head. Now, if you've ever had an MRI, you know that movement results in blury imagery, so director/editor Adam Powell took a collection of scans and had them animated into what you see in the video.