Candlelit Pictures

The Eversons "Emily" (Thunderlips, dir.)

The Eversons frontman Mark Turner attempts to win back "Emily" while she works her shift as a waitress at a Chinese restaurant. Big mistake. Not only does he wind up with hot tea and even hotter chili flakes in his face, he also gets his heart ripped out of his chest. 

Which is a shame, since the dude had a whole choreographed flash mob arranged, including some people dressed up as living/dancing potstickers.

A Perfect GIF Video About Love Gone Bad by Thunderlips [NSFW]

Nothing is sweeter than a teenage girl's first love, except for the revenge she'll get after he breaks her heart.

The Thunderlips directing crew tell this typical tale via GIFs — yes, you can also experience this as a Tumblr page — letting those lo-fi little loops show the descent from sex into violence (and datamoshing).

Lots of this is NSFW — especially the shots involving fruit and knives — so careful, careful.