July 2014

OK Go's Pitch to Obama for a July 4th Viral Video

What if Obama called OK Go and said, "OK guys, we need a viral video for The Star-Spangled Banner. Make it patriotic. Spend whatever you need, but it's gotta go viral."

This is not that video. But, it's a fun, even if not entirely accurate, insight into the OK Go creative process and how they maximize virality potential. PS: Their idea involves Jimi Hendrix with a cat head and giant bosoms, which does sound like Internet gold.

The Madden Brothers "We Are Done" (David Katzenberg, Seth Grahme-Smith, dir.)

While Good Charlotte has always been all about The Madden Brothers, the twins finally go out under that name with a slick sound closer to retro-soul than anything close to their punk/pop roots. Similarly, this video is all about Benji and Joel Madden with a few additional elements — most notably portraiture set-ups of all sorts of people with "Done" placards — to keep things moving.
