May 2013

OMG Everywhere Announces Free Film Workshops For Kids This Summer

Today marks the OMG Everywhere organization’s launch of their 2013 Summer Sessions, a series of film workshops, free of cost to student participants, designed to give kids an opportunity to experiment creatively, develop artistically and learn new skills in a collaborative environment with established music video directors.  The pilot program began in Los Angeles in 2011 and is now expanding its reach to include New York City and London. 

Janelle Monáe "Q.U.E.E.N." (Alan Ferguson, dir.)

Janelle Monáe - Q.U.E.E.N. feat. Erykah Badu [Official Video]

I can easily imagine the work of avant-garde audio artists Janelle Monae and Erykah Badu someday occupying a deserved place in a museum. For now, we get this minimilast and classy gallery show, brimming with style and verve as two iconoclasts easily mesh.

The Public Trust "Lullaby" (Nathan Zasada, dir.)

"Lullaby" Music Video

One continuous take from the POV of a woman on a date with The Public Trust singer Mike Rossi. Even if things don't feel totally realistic — the steady stream of women dropping their digits on Rossi, or the fact that his date orders something with so many carbs — it's sweetly clever. And there's propbably a great making-of backstory of how they shot this with a Panasonic GH3

Bon Jovi "What About Now" (Jacquelyn London, dir.)

Bon Jovi - What About Now

Editor Jacquelyn London has shaped many a music video from her bay, so it's not a surprise to see her name pop up as a director. Here she compiled an On The Road video for Bon Jovi, combining BTS she shot, with live footage and conceptual content that runs on the band's projection screens.
