July 2006

NEWS: BET Uncut Cancelled

BET's longtime bastion of booty videos is apparently no more. BET Uncut's final episode was July 8 and, according to several sources, it will not be returning to the schedule. A very detailed report on the cancellation can be found at Black College Wire.

Those distraught over the loss of BET Uncut have a few options:

  1. Sign an online petition to restore the show
  2. Visit the apparently unaffiliated BETUncut.net before it gets sued out of existence
  3. Watch a porn while listening to your favorite rap album

PHOTO: Cut Chemist On The Set

Star turntablist Cut Chemist maneuvers his boombox shopping cart on the set of his video "What's The Altitude." Partizan director Andrew Gura is in the bottom right corner, working the camera.

This video will support the former Ozomatli and Jurassic 5 DJ's Warner Bros. full length, The Audience's Listening.
