October 2012

WATCH IT: Jake Bugg "Two Fingers" (Jamie Thraves, dir.)

It's been a while since we've seen a promo — as they say over in the UK —  from Jamie Thraves, who directed the Radiohead classic "Just" and Coldplay "Scientist" both of which trigger huge emotions on a grand scale. This clip for "Two Fingers" — the UK equivalent of The Finger —  is something different and smaller, yet just as successful as it effortlessly captures newcomer Jake Bugg leaving his messed-up home in Nottingham for a shot at stardom.

WATCH IT: Bat For Lashes "All Your Gold" (Noel Paul, dir.)

This b&w video for Bat For Lashes forces you to focus on movement. Director Noel Paul — 1/2 of creative team That Go — rides the contrast between black and white, right down to the styling, as Natasha Khan strikes some jittery/controlled/emphatic dance poses. If you're a fetishist for shoulder blades, you should love it, but anyone with an appreciation for artful pop should dig in. --> watch "All Your Gold"

WATCH IT: Christina Aguilera "Your Body" (Melina, dir.)

The real stars on NBC's The Voice are obviously the mentors and Christina is the latest to use the rotating red thrones as a launching pad for her newest project. Ms Aguilera is straight outta the trailer park in this video, with hints of Tarantino femme fatales and classic bombshell Guess! campaigns. Despite the pre-roll warning that no men were harmed in the making of the video, the guys lucky(?) enough to encounter Christina sure end up looking wiped out with a mess everywhere. La petite mort, indeed!
