January 2015

Bay Uno "Wait For You" (Sebastian Mlynarski, dir.)

There comes a time in every man's life when you need to thrown caution to the wind, walk right out of Bellevue — even if you're still in your robe and F' You flops — and embrace some madness and music. In this case, it means means stealing an ice cream cone from a child, and causing all sorts of ruination across the city, but so it goes with collateral damage. 

Smashing Pumpkins "Being Beige" (Brad & Brian Palmer, dir.)

Directors Brian and Brad Palmer explore a surreal, dreamlike space of lost love in this lush new video for Smashing Pumpkins. The prevailing theme is of things splitting apart and coming together into something more limitless, represented at times by some twin imagery which which might remind you of the Siamese Dream cover, or the old Virgin Records "gemini" logo.
