July 2015

Music Mythology "I Feel Lonely" (Kevin Vanhaelewijn, dir.)

This is a song and video for all those souls who feel lonely and lost in this crowded world. The video depicts the static state of being that loneliness causes in us. The lonely cartoon boy with his head held low is always standing still while the world around him is dynamic and always on the move. Everyone seems to be going places but not him. He just stands alone in the cold city.

Vance Joy "Fire and the Flood" (Hayley Young, dir.)

Don't be soothed by the one-take intro: That's just to set you up for the destructive crescendo of this emotional video from director Hayley Young.

Vance Joy: "I had a recurring image in my head of a guy walking in the neighbourhood where his ex-girlfriend lives. He is haunting the places they used to go together. He has time on his hands and feels kind of useless. He thinks that when they are back together he'll be at peace again... I am an admirer of Hayley's work and I liked her idea of doing a long take and having me sing directly to camera. I just sang it really loud and with as much conviction as I could muster, in the hope that the point would get across. She'd yell out from behind the camera if she was into what I was doing, which gave me confidence. It was the first time I've really given that kind of performance to a video clip."

Ryan Little "Jesus Is Mine" (Ciro Ayala, dir.) NSFW

Liten to "Ryan Little - Jesus is Mine" at https://www.jamendo.com/pl/track/1231046/12-jesus-is-mine-bonus-track

Written and Directed by CIЯO | Executive Producer: LIU MING FEI | Cinematography by CAESAR LEE | Edited by CYRUS WANG | Fashion Art and Design by JEAN-LUC FORTIER | Fashion Model: NIU NIU | a VOKEMODELS production | Distributed by PROVOKE FILMS | Japan - 2015
