Will You Pay To Play, Ctd.. YouTube Indie Label Contract Leaks

DigitalMusicNews.com has posted Google's entire indie label contract for YouTube's new Free Service and Premium Service. It's 32 pages and it helps if you're a lawyer. But, there's lots of interesting stuff here, including payment rates and percentage shares and more...

In short, it seems that any label that does not sign the contract and does use VEVO will essentially be heading back to the old YouTube, where bootleggers and/or fans would upload video rips of varying quality while an official version of the video would remain off the site.

Now, if only Apple had signed a deal with two of the most legendary music people still in the business, maybe they could come up with a competitior. Hmmm...

Original post on the subject can be found here: Will You Pay To Play? YouTube Rumored To Launch Subscription Video Tier

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