DVD: End Of The Century - The Story Of The Ramones

This is THE definitive documentary about The Ramones. Starting from their first encounters with one another in Forest Hills, Queens to the band's induction into the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame, End Of The Century covers every ugly facet of their history. The fights, Ramonesdvdthe break-ups, Dee Dee's battle with drugs and his even more harrowing dalliance with rap music... none of it is glossed over here. Every transcendent moment is leavened by a heart-breaking occurence.

It's a fitting tribute to the band in that there's not an ounce of bullshit or sentimentality in the film. This is the tale of a band that never got along, never got the audience they deserved and never got the accolades until it was too late.

The special features are fittlingly, though disappointly spartan. The highlights include a late period interview with Joey at a radio station, a great deleted scene from the film in which Blondie drummer Clem Burke tries to sit in for a few gigs as Elvis Ramone, a drum clinic with Marky Ramone and a"who wrote what on the first 3 albums" memory session with Tommy Ramone.

This Sire/Rhino DVD is in store and at Amazon today.

Tags: DVD