NEW RELEASE: Aesop Rock "Coffee"

Aesop Rock Plot? Screw plot. Most classic horror films can be boiled down to blood, boobs and more blood. So, a very brief set-up in this video leads into a series of creepy marauders and the blood drenched corpses left in their wake. It's perfect for Halloween, of course, and a perfect view into what my morning mood is like before I have my "Coffee" — which is the name of this Aesop Rock tune. Enjoy the director's cut, which is probably unsafe for work unless you're in the porn business or work out of a butcher shop. Or, if you work in the music biz, or politics or any other ethically deprived industry. --> watch "Coffee"

Aesop Rock "Coffee" (Definitive Jux)
Ace Norton, director | Charles Spano, producer | Partizan, production co | Ross Riege, DP | Brandon Driscoll Luttringer, editor | Ghost Town Media, effects | Chelsea Oliver, production designer 
