NEW RELEASE: Common "The Game"

Common_game Common is a poet, not a pugilist. So, even though it seems like the rapper is prepping for a big fight in the intro of this sharp, b&w video, he's really just getting his game face on for a performance. That said, the stakes are as high as ever for Common, a well-respected and criticially-acclaimed  hip-hop vet who needs to prove that his 2005  commercial breakthrough album Be was no fluke. Therefore, "The Game" is a smart teaser for his forthcoming album Finding Forever: It's a no-frills, no-bullshit slice of hip-hop, an effective statement that Common is capable of winning people over without going pop or giving into the bling lifestyle that's pervasive in major label rap releases. --> watch "The Game"

Common "The Game" (Geffen)
Neon, directors | Anne Johnson, producer | Partizan, production co | Shawn Kim, DP | Bill Pollock, editor
