NEW RELEASE: Deerhoof "The Perfect Me"

Deerhoof Your take on this video from freaksters Deerhoof may depend on whether or not you consider a cactus frond to be a compelling object in and of itself. Directed by the the group and Eric Landmark of the band Numbers, the bulk of "The Perfect Me" consists of  singer Satomi Matsuzaki holding up the aforementioned succulent in addition to a teddy bear an an LED wand that forms letters when waved  back and forth. The other aspect of the video that's definitely worth a mention is an interlude where Peter Vento's Electric Rainbow Machine takes center stage. The soundwave-triggered LED prop produces a sort of  kaleidoscopic light effect that's certainly cooler than what I imagine you'd see at the Laserpalooza Twoza show. And wait, one more tidbit: There's a multilingual introduction that you might find as cluttered, yet oddly melodic as the song itself .--> watch "The Perfect Me" (MySpace link, but a very good quality one tho. Honest)

Deerhoof "The Perfect Me" (5 Rue/Christine/Kill Rock Stars)
Eric Landmark & Deerhoof, directors
