NEW RELEASE: Gorillaz "El Manana"

No manana para ella Gorillaz
"El Mañana" (Virgin)

Jamie Hewlett & Pete Candeland, directors | Anna Lord & Cara Speller, producers | Passion Pictures, production co | Description: The story of the floating windmill island in the sky  from the Gorillaz "Feel Good Inc" video is continued in this impressively photo-realistic animated video for "El Mañana." Unfortunately, this continuation may be the final chapter as well. The island gets completely destroyed when it's suddenly and inexplicably attacked by a squadron of rogue helicopters. The only inhabitant of the island is Gorillaz guitarist Noodle, who seems to be headed to certain death as the island plummets to the ground below in the video's closing moment. Remember: Noodle is a cartoon character. Do not despair. -- watch "El Mañana"
