NEW RELEASE: Katy Perry "Ur So Gay"

Katy PerryKaty Perry The record label that brought us the oh so transgressive hit "Bitch" is back at it again with the nicely hyped release of "Ur So Gay," by L.A. singer/songwriter Katy Perry. Does your man have pretty tattoos, wear eyeliner and listen to emo? If so, he is gay. A fan of soy lattes? Gay. Vegan? Come on. Super gay. (Not that there's anything wrong with any of that, of course.) The various scenarios are played out via Ken and Barbie dolls with the singer's doppelganger finally realizing that Ken's infamous lack of anatomically correct genitals may be the source of the problem. It's a catchy little tune with a title and chorus that will certainly get people talking, but then again, that's exactly the same sort of debut enjoyed by Jill Sobule over a decade ago and now she's auctioning shout-outs on her CD for $500 a pop (which is shameless, yet very genius). --> watch "Ur So Gay"

Katy Perry "Ur So Gay" (Capitol)
Walter May, director | Sandy Haddad, producer | Wild Plum, production co | Clifford Jones, DP | Graham Turner, editor | Dave Coleman, art director
